Pride WA

Containers for Change

Support Pride WA Through Containers for Change

You can help Pride WA simply by recycling. By choosing Pride WA as your nominated charity with Containers for Change, your 10-cent refunds will go directly toward supporting and celebrating Western Australia’s LGBTIQA+ community.
At Pride WA, we walk the walk and practice what we preach. Throughout PrideFest and at events at our Pride Piazza office, we’ve already recycled thousands of eligible containers. Now, we’re inviting you to do the same by directing your refunds to support our work.
It’s easy to make the switch. Just follow this link to join our team. You’ll be logged into your Containers for Change profile (or create one) and join our team by updating your preferred cause donation partner to Pride WA.
Alternatively, just add in our Scheme ID C10683757 when returning your eligible containers.
Make the change today and support a more inclusive future through recycling!