Pride WA


Parade Entry Guidelines

While we encourage you to dream big about your Parade Entry, there are a few guidelines to ensure that the Parade is safe and aligned with Pride WA values. Entries may be checked prior to the commencement of the Parade by both Pride WA and WA Police so please consider the following when producing your entry.

Please ensure the accuracy of the information you provide in your application and participant detail forms. Please inform Pride WA of any changes prior to 5pm on Fri 8th Nov 2024. You may be refused entry or participation in the Parade if your entry does not match up to information provided in your application.


Each individual entry must provide one designated Float Marshal to act as the official liaison and emergency contact between the Entrant group and Pride WA. Responsibilities include:
Prior to the Parade:
  • Respond to all communication from PrideWA
  • Attend the Parade Briefing
On Parade day:
  • Check in with our Registration Team and ensure that your participants and vehicle arrive at Start Area at assigned time
  • Wear any accreditation provided by Pride WA on Parade night to identify themselves
  • Ensure the safety of your participants by remaining with your entry and vehicle at all times throughout the form-up, marshalling, parade route and pack down area.
  • Ensure that your Parade entry does not intentionally cause the Parade to stop.


Handouts, including any kinds of confectionery or food, are not permitted in the Parade. Objects must not be thrown on the Parade route or thrown to audience members. Please note that anyone found handing out things such as this, or to have them in possession at the Start Area may be asked to leave the Start Area and not participate in the Parade.


Entrants must follow the directions of Pride WA, WA Police, Security and Volunteers at all times. All Entrants must respect other Entrant groups, as well as display consideration for the audience, which will include family groups and children.
Pride WA believes in providing a safe space for ALL participants. Any participating individuals or groups found threatening or inciting ill will against other individuals, marching groups, Pride WA or officials during or before the Parade (including on social media and other channels) will be disqualified and/or extracted from the Parade and potentially referred to WA Police. Please be respectful to each other and ensure all participants in your group abide by this.
Participants are also not allowed to invite or encourage members of the audience to enter the Parade route during the Parade. This is a public safety issue and could also cause unnecessary delays to the Parade.


The Parade will be recorded for online web stream, as well as photographed from various media outlets. Your Entrant group’s participation in the Parade constitutes permission to authorise official Pride WA media partners to video, photograph, record and transmit the messages, signage, participants and vehicles/floats from your Parade entry. You are responsible for notifying your participants that they may be captured on film for broadcast use.
Any photographs or video recordings of the Parade taken by your own photographer or videographer must be made available, if requested, to Pride WA. Pride WA will endeavour to credit the photographer/group which captured the image or footage.


Gaps in the Parade hinder the enjoyment of participants and audience members. To avoid this, Entrant groups must be moving forward along the route at a pace of 38 metres per minute, unless stopped by Pride WA, WA Police, Security or Volunteers. All choreography must always be in a forward moving direction – not standing still or going backwards.

If your group is asked to move on, or increase pace, please do so without delay. There is to be no stopping for dance routines or shows unless authorised by Pride WA. Please note that any Entrants who stop and delay the Parade significantly are at risk of being extracted from the Parade.
As a general rule, there must be at least a 1.5 metre gap between your group and the Entrant group in front of you whilst on route.


Pride WA aims to curate a Parade with exciting messaging that tells a story to our audience. The Parade order is an important part of this decision-making process and while consideration will be given to factors such as participants’ ages and abilities, the final Parade order is at the sole discretion of the Pride WA Parade team. Entrants will be advised of their position at the Entrants Briefing.
On Parade day, all Entrants must line up in the section to which they have been assigned at the designated time and location. Each group must stay in its section for the duration of the Parade. Pride WA Start Marshalling Volunteers will be at your assigned block to help ensure proper line-up.


Each Entrant group is limited to a maximum of 100 people. However, please be realistic when send through information. We need you to bring the number of marchers that you have been allocated. Accurate numbers are important as it impacts the timing of the parade for broadcast. If you attend the parade with significantly less participants than you were allocated, this will be noted and adjustments made to your float in the following year.

Your total number must include your drivers and all participants riding on your vehicle, any photographers or videographers, and any technical crew required for your float.


We will run through safety and security in more detail as part of the Parade Briefing. It is important that you are aware of the following:
  • Please follow all instructions of Pride WA, WA Police, Security and Volunteers – they are there to help.
  • The parade will proceed in all weather conditions.
  • Please ensure your participants have sufficient water or weather protection that suit the conditions of the day.
  • Please ensure that all participants carry Photo ID.
  • Please ensure that all participants have In Case of Emergency (I.C.E) phone number stored in their mobile phone.
  • Pride WA recommends that participants do not bring bags or large personal items with them to the parade.
  • Under no circumstances should a parade participant accept to carry the bag or personal belongings of someone they do not know.
Pride WA, WA Police and Security have the right to remove from the Parade any persons who are found to be intoxicated or under the influence of drugs, or a physical danger to other participants or spectators.


Pride WA will again be implementing wristbands to ensure safety of all participants. Wristbands will be handed out at the Parade Briefing only and Float Marshals must check wristbands/ID before leaving the briefing.
Due to COVID-19 concerns, please encourage your participants to take adequate precautions such as carrying and using hand sanitiser, maintaining sensible social distancing and minimising physical contact with others, including audience members. If they are unwell on the day, they must not participate. Pride WA will not be responsible for any consequences resulting from a COVID-19 outbreak, and participation is at your own risk.
The Parade will only proceed if the authorities declare it is safe to do so. Pride WA is also not responsible for cancellations due to circumstances outside our control e.g. acting on the health advice of government or authorities and will not be responsible for costs incurred by any participant.
Finally, please also note that for the health and comfort of other participants and spectators, the Parade is a non-smoking event and participants should refrain from smoking at Start Area or along the Parade route.


To maintain the integrity of the Parade, product and service advertisement and sampling is not permitted.
Businesses and organisations can represent themselves but cannot advertise specific products or campaigns. This includes bar nights, parties, special events, organisational campaigns and political messages.
Ineligible activations include (but are not limited to):
  • Handing out food, products, samples, and leaflets
  • Use of digital screens, SMS competitions, digital and social media platforms to broadcast, promote messages or engage in commercial transactions
  • Filming of your float and the Parade for immediate and/or later broadcast across all forms of media, including online communications such as social media without authorisation by Pride WA
  • Communication in any form of special offers or competitions


Restricted items include animals (excluding registered assistance animals), balloons, glitter cannons, fire, open flames, pyrotechnics (fireworks), flares, fire batons, fire breathing, sparklers, sparks, welding, weapons or imitation weapons, hazardous or flammable goods and goods prohibited by law. We also strictly control the use of Projectiles and remote-controlled devices including any kind of drone, helicopters, planes and cars.
Other restrictions include full-frontal nudity of lower genitalia, solicitation of funds, and campaigning.
Laws relating to the use of public space, defamation, car registration, driving under the influence, the consumption of alcohol and other drugs all remain in place during the Parade.


Pride WA is committed to be as environmentally sustainable as possible and this extends to keeping our Parade clean. We ask that Parade Entrants help us keep our Parade as “green” as possible by complying with the below:
  • Confetti cannons – the use of confetti is prohibited.
  • Balloons – The use of balloons are prohibited.
  • Recycling and Re-using Materials – We ask that Entrants use recyclable materials and re-use items for construction of floats, props and costumes, and minimise consumables where possible. This includes biodegradable materials, reusable water bottles, and re-using props and banners from previous years.
  • Waste Management – Entrants are required to utilise the waste facilities provided within the Start and End Area compounds on Parade Day. We suggest bringing your own rubbish bags to assist with compacting waste.
  • Glitter – Where possible, please use biodegradable glitter. Please do not throw glitter or use glitter cannons.


  • All audio, lighting, AV equipment or any infrastructure must be supplied and installed by a professional company or registered company.
  • All electrical equipment (including leads) must be tagged and tested to comply with minimum industry standards. Note: They will be tested on the day by Pride WA’s authorised compliance officers.
  • All electrical equipment must be water safe.
  • All equipment must be safely secured to your vehicle and you must have wet weather contingency to protect this equipment.


Vehicles can add a lot to an Entry by carrying people, lights and sound equipment or being transformed into a moving piece of art. The front of your vehicle is what the audience first sees, and the sides of your vehicle is what they will see for the longest period. Try to find inventive ways of decorating the vehicle to maximise the visibility of your entry’s creative concept.


In your application, you must provide details of both the main driver and a back-up driver. One of these people must be with the vehicle at all times.
You must provide Pride WA with your two drivers’ names, licence numbers, mobile phone numbers and consent for WA Police to perform general background checks. We work closely with WA Police for the safety of all participants and spectators.


The maximum dimensions of this vehicle, including all additions and adornments is: 2.4m wide, 4.3m high and 11m long. These measurements are non-negotiable and are enforced due to external factors such as overhanging street signs, maintaining emergency lanes and ensuring vehicles can safely navigate the route. We will expect the precise vehicle measurements, make/model details and registration number to be supplied in your application.


Pride WA will accept the following vehicles from applicants:
  • Pushbikes
  • Cars, including convertibles
  • Utes
  • Vans
  • Motorbikes or Trikes
  • 2 – 8 tonne Flatbed Trucks
  • Buses or Minibuses – Please note that there will be a strict limit to the number of buses in the Parade and that priority for buses will be given to groups with mobility impaired participants. Double-decker buses are not accepted.


  • Your vehicle must be registered, roadworthy, insured and in good operating condition. Police will tow unregistered and unroadworthy vehicles from Start Area.
  • If you intend to source your vehicle from a rental hire company, you must notify the hire company of your intent to use the vehicle for a parade event and obtain any relevant or additional insurances required for its use.
  • Any decorations, lighting/sound systems or staging must be safely and firmly secured onto your vehicle. While travelling to and from the Parade, your vehicle licence plate must be visible.
  • If you have any participants riding on the vehicle’s tray, you MUST implement safety railings or barriers to prohibit people from falling off the edges, or secure participants to a solid structure with appropriate safety harnesses. No one may board or alight the vehicle once it is in motion on the Parade route. Your participants must board or alight the vehicle only when it is at a complete stop.
  • Your vehicle must have two drivers who are appropriately licensed. Some vehicles require a special licence; for example, 6 tonne trucks require an appropriate licence to drive.
  • Your two drivers must not have a blood alcohol level over the legal limit or be under the influence of drugs. Both Drug and Breath testing may occur at start and end areas.
  • One driver must be present with the vehicle at all times.
  • During the parade, a responsible passenger (not a child) must accompany one of the identified drivers in the front of the vehicle to act as a second pair of eyes and be on the lookout for hazards and blind spots. The responsible passenger may be the other identified driver but does not have to be.


The large Parade audience offers businesses a valuable opportunity to promote their support for the LGBTQIA+ communities whilst at the same time assisting community groups to fund their entry. We acknowledge that without financial support from businesses, many community Parade entries would not be possible or as fabulous as they would otherwise be!
Equally, Pride WA would simply not exist without the generous financial support of our Partners. The revenue that comes from these partnerships is a significant funding source for the operational delivery of the Parade. Corporate partners make up a small proportion of Parade floats with the remainder allocated to community.
Community organisations are permitted to show branding and acknowledge the support of any business or organisation (unless stipulated in the category exclusions below), within the Branding Guidelines specified below.


All financial supporters must be disclosed upon application of your parade Entry. Pride WA reserves the right to request further information on the background of your supporter and make further decisions about its suitability for the parade outside this criterion.
Pride WA will not accept financial supporters or entries from escort agencies, brothels and tobacco companies.
Entries are allowed to show a message from their supporter in two locations on their Entry as stipulated below. This message must show support for the LGBTQIA+ community or issues that are relevant to LGBTQIA+ community.
There is no specific form for the wording of your supporter’s message, although the message will need to be approved by Pride WA. It should mean something to you and your supporter, be real and relevant to the LGBTQIA+ community. Ideally it should align with the message of your Entry. Remember, the important thing from your supporter is their demonstration of support, not their brand.


  • You can acknowledge your supporter/s twice on your Entry (e.g. once on each side of your vehicle or on two separate banners).
  • Brand/logo acknowledgement of your financial supporter must not exceed 30cm x 30cm.
  • Lettering in the supporter acknowledgement must not exceed 15cm in height and be no more than 15 words maximum.
  • The full length of the supporter/s message and logo cannot be more than 60cm
  • Your Entry’s name and brand must be larger and more prominent than that of your supporter’s entire message.
  • Logos in isolation, the inclusion of product names and commercial website addresses are not permitted.
  • Your financial supporter cannot use the Pride WA brand or Pride WA name in their support message or in any other fashion.
Appropriate Examples include:
  • ABC Hardware loves the Rainbow Marchers and proudly supports the LGBTQIA+ community.
  • ABC Industrial is proud to support the [LGBTQIA+ sport club].


No branding or sponsors messaging are allowed on costumes other than sporting uniforms with pre-existing sponsors acknowledgement (e.g. football or netball jerseys).


You must detail the names of any supporters and their message on your application form. Pride WA reserves the right to deny supporter signage if it conflicts these guidelines and/or with agreements with Pride WA’s partners.
We will not accept or allow entry on Parade Day unless we have pre-approved your application AND your signage and messaging matches what has been approved. Pride WA reserves the right to cover or remove any signage that does not comply with the above guidelines.